

Minnesota defines assault as an act with the intent to inflict injury or cause fear of injury in another. There are various degrees, according to Minnesota laws. If you have been charged with assault in Greater Minnesota, call us for a free consultation.

The attorneys at Ringstrom DeKrey are experienced in Minnesota criminal law and will help you navigate the court system and fight your charge.

Table of contents

  1. Assault In Minnesota

    1. First Degree

    2. Second Degree

    3. Third Degree

    4. Fourth Degree

    5. Fifth Degree

  2. Protected Employee Assault

  3. Hate Crimes

  4. Inmate Assault

  5. Other Consequences

  6. Defenses

    1. Disputative Defenses

    2. Affirmative Defenses

  7. What You Should Do If Charged with Assault

Assault In Minnesota

Assaults can be both direct or indirect. It may involve physical contact or no physical contact. In Minnesota, the type and amount of harm, as well as who the victim was, will determine the severity.

If you are facing charges for assault in Minnesota, you need an experienced attorney. Contact Ringstrom DeKrey to speak with a criminal defense attorney serving Moorhead and Greater Minnesota. We’re ready to stand behind you and get you the best possible outcome.

First Degree Assault

Assault in the first degree (Minn. Stat. § 609.221), a felony charge, is the most serious. This degree of assault includes the use of force resulting in serious harm to another. Assaults on a state judicial employee, such as a police officer or a judge are 1st degree.

If convicted of first-degree assault, you could be facing up to twenty years in prison and $30,000 in fines.

Second Degree Assault

Second degree assault (Minn. Stat. § 609.222), is a felony charge when it involves a dangerous weapon. If the weapon has inflicted serious bodily harm, a conviction will carry a more significant prison sentence. Conviction of second-degree assault carries a maximum sentence of seven years in prison and a fine up to $14,000.

If the use of a weapon caused major injuries, the prison term can be up to ten years with a possible $20,000 fine.

Third Degree Assault

Third degree assault (Minn. Stat. § 609.223) is a felony in Minnesota. For example, an assault resulting in substantial bodily harm falls under this charge. An assault on a minor child, if the same perpetrator has a pattern of abusing the same victim, will be a third-degree assault.

Finally, any assault on a child who younger than four years of age is a third-degree assault.

If convicted of assault in the third degree, you could face up to five years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

Fourth Degree Assault

Fourth degree assault (Minn. Stat. § 609.2231) can be either a gross misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the facts of the case. Felony charges are often brought if the crime is against a law enforcement official, a probation officer, or other public servant.

If convicted of fourth-degree assault, you could face up to one year in jail and $3,000 in fines.

Contact Ringstrom DeKrey if you are facing a fourth-degree assault charge. The the prosecutor may charge you at a felony level, rather than a gross misdemeanor. You will need strong legal representation on your side to protect your rights.

Fifth Degree Assault

Fifth degree Assault (Minn. Stat. § 609.224) is the least severe of the five levels. This is a misdemeanor charge brought when someone creates fear of bodily harm or death.

It is also applied if someone inflicts or attempts to inflict bodily harm on another. This charge could be a gross misdemeanor if the individual has been previously convicted of another qualifying offense within the past ten years against the same victim. If another crime happened within three years against another victim, it can be a gross misdemeanor.

If convicted of assault in the fifth degree as a gross misdemeanor, sentencing may include up to one year in prison and a $3,000 fine. A felony conviction carries a penalty of up to five years in prison and a $10,000 fine

Protected Employee Assault

In Minnesota, there are more severe punishments given when an assault occurs against certain employees. Minnesota Statute 609.2231 protects these employees.

Anytime this crime occurs against a law enforcement officer or a probation officer it will be a gross misdemeanor. It could rise to the level of a felony.

Assaults against specific employees while performing their duties are gross misdemeanors.

Types of Protected Employees

  • Employees with the Department of Natural Resources while engaged in forest fire activities

  • School employees, administrators, and teachers

  • Certain public employees, including:

    • Agricultural inspectors

    • Occupational safety and health investigators

    • Child protection workers

    • Public health nurses

    • Animal control officers

  • Member of a community crime prevention group on neighborhood patrol

  • Reserve officer

  • Utility worker

  • Postal service worker

  • Transit operators

Felony Assault on a Protect Employee

If an assault occurs against the following employees while engaged in their duties, the charge may be a felony. Employees included are:

  • Firefighters

  • Emergency medical personnel

  • Prosecuting attorneys

  • Judge

  • Correctional facility employees

  • Personnel of a secure treatment facility

Assaults against a vulnerable adult, are a gross misdemeanor level.

Hate Crime Assaults

A hate crime occurs when you assault someone because of their national origin, sexual orientation, disability, religion, etc. This is more severely punished in Minnesota under statute 609.2231, subdivision 4.

Assaults such as hate crimes are gross misdemeanors and are punishable by up to one-year in prison and a $3,000 fine.

If two or more hate crime assaults occur within five years, the charge becomes a felony. This is punishable by up to one year plus one day in prison and a $3,000 fine.

If two or more hate crime assaults occur within five years, the charge becomes a felony, which is punishable by up to one year plus one day in prison and a $3,000 fine.

Inmate Assault

If an inmate commits an assault while in prison, their punishment will not begin until they complete their initial sentence.

It is possible to have charges or penalties reduced, and in some cases, an experienced defense attorney can have charges dismissed. Ringstrom Law understands the laws in Minnesota and is able to help you through this difficult time of facing assault charges.

Other Consequences

At Ringstrom DeKrey, we understand what an assault conviction means for you. It can have adverse effects for years to come, along with large fines.

An assault conviction in Minnesota could result in the following issues:

Lost Employment Opportunities

Assault convictions will show up on your criminal record. It will show up in any background check done by possible employers. You are also required to disclose the conviction on new job applications. If an employer discovers you have an assault conviction, they are able to end your employment.

Stress Attached to Assault Conviction

Being accused of assault causes stress on the accused, as well as their family and friends. Not knowing how much you’ll pay in fines or how much jail or prison time can be a major source of stress.

Stress levels escalate during court proceedings. Your punishment is often unknown until the courts have determined your sentencing. Ringstrom Law will work with you to keep you informed throughout the process. Also, we will work to reduce unknown factors as much as possible.

Assessments Attached to Assault Conviction

The judge may require an anger management assessment if you’re convicted of assault. If there was alcohol or drugs involved in your case, you may have to undergo a chemical assessment. The outcome of these assessments will determine whether you will need to complete rehabilitation or counseling. Ultimately, counseling and rehab can be time-consuming and expensive, but necessary.

Probation for Assault Charges

If convicted of third-degree assault, you may receive probation. Probation can be intensive, to the point of restricting your travel and daily activities. If you are already on probation and commit an assault, it could cause a probation violation.

There are likely a lot of thoughts going through your mind as you worry about the possible outcomes these charges can cause you. Ringstrom Law is ready to help you through this challenging legal battle. Likewise, we expertise with the law and the court system to try to reduce or dismiss the charges against you.


In the state of Minnesota, you can be charged with assault even if you do not physically injure someone. Assault charges can apply even if you make someone fear you will harm them. Oftentimes, a mutual altercation or an act of self-defense can lead to an assault charge. These charges can be the result of a heated argument, exaggerated accusations, or even misunderstanding.

There are severe penalties and fines attached to some of these convictions. That said, so you will want strong legal counsel when facing any degree of assault.

Disputative Defense

The disputative defense is when your attorney calls into question the facts case, like the victim’s allegations into question and their ability to recall events correctly and accurately.

Mistaken Identity

Oftentimes, a person’s memory is unreliable. A person involved will be emotional, and their memory may become unclear or biased. Sometimes the details of the assault given by the alleged victim are not facts. Because of this, it is sometimes a case of mistaken identity. It happens when a person can “look like” their assailant due to race, or if you were in the area when the assault took place.

If your face looks familiar because the victim saw you when the attack took place, they may become confused and involve you in the assault. Your attorney can dispute your charge if it is a case of mistaken identity. Ringstrom Law will help you to develop this defense and work with you to put together the necessary evidence to clear your name.

Accuser’s Credibility

Challenging the accuser’s credibility, means the victim, or a witness, is lying, and their story is false. Thus, an attorney uses this defense, to attack inconsistencies in statements. This strategy raises doubts, and along with contrary evidence.

A case dismissal can occur when you challenge an accuser’s credibility. When using the credibility defense strategy, your attorney may research the victim’s history or their character. This can call into question their trustworthiness and whether their story about your actions is true.


An alibi defense can show evidence that you were not anywhere near the victim at the time of the assault. For example, you were at the movies where witnesses remember seeing you, or you were at work where coworkers can vouch for your attendance.

However, where you were is usually not important. What matters is being able to support your claim of not being near the victim when the assault occurred. You will need to provide evidence like movie ticket stubs or fellow employees who can attest to your presence.

Affirmative Defense

An affirmative defense acknowledges that you did commit the crime, but that your actions were not a criminal act. Consent and self-defense are two examples of an affirmative defense.


If both parties were consenting to an action, then that action isn’t considered illegal or a crime. An example would be a boxing match that involved two people, and one boxer sustains unexpected injuries and attempts to call it an assault. Because both people agreed to have a boxing match, neither of them can accuse the other of assault.

Consent is not an easy defense to use. Your attorney at Ringstrom Law will discuss your options and necessary evidence needed to use this form of defense strategy.


One of the common defense strategies used in assault cases is self-defense. This defense aims to prove that you defended yourself against the accuser’s behavior. Here, you will have to show their behavior caused your actions. Your actions were only to defend yourself against harm.

This defense strategy can also be applicable if you were defending property or another person.

You also are not guilty of assault if the other party threatened your property. The property defense is a typical one used when someone breaks into your property, and you have to defend yourself.

What You Should Do If Charged with Assault

If are facing an assault charge, call an attorney at Ringstrom Law. This is your legal right, and having an attorney present before making any statements could determine the outcome of your case. Here are other steps to take after your arrest:

Do Not Make a Statement

The disputative defense is when your attorney calls into question the facts case, like the victim’s allegations into question and their ability to recall events correctly and accurately.

Most people have heard about the Miranda warning. This states that you have the right to remain silent after an arrest.

You are not required to make a statement about the incident leading to your arrest. In fact, you should say nothing until your attorney from Ringstrom Law is present. Do not make claims of innocence or try to explain any of your actions. Wait until an attorney is by your side.

Do Not Contact Your Accuser

Exaggerated or false assault charges often occur during “heat of the moment” situations. If accused of assault, it is important that you do not contact or attempt to make contact with your accuser. Communication with your alleged victim could result in making your assault charge worse.

Be Aware of Police Interrogation Tactics

The police might use interrogation tactics that will trick. They do this to get you talking about your case or actions. They may make promises of leniency if you cooperate or admit to wrongdoing. Police also might tell you they have witnesses that saw the assault – this is often a lie.

Police do not have the legal power to lower your sentence if you cooperate. Don’t fall for these interrogation tactics. Remain quiet until your attorney from Ringstrom Law is by your side.

Refuse Search Request

If the police show up at your place of employment or your home to make the arrest, you want to step outside and close the door behind you.

Once you close the door, they will have to ask your permission to search the area. If you allow them inside, they will attempt to gather evidence against you. If they do not have a warrant to search, you want to refuse the search until they get a warrant. Once the police have a warrant, you cannot refuse the search; you will have to let them into your home or business.

Schedule a free consultation


Tel: 218-284-0484

814 Center Ave. Ste. 5
Moorhead, MN 56560