Have questions about Ringstrom DeKrey or the criminal process? These frequently asked questions and answers may help.

If you have other questions, contact us directly.

You might also want to look at our practice areas for answers to questions about the particular charges.


Do You Change for an Initial consultation?

No. Typically, an initial consultation relating to a criminal case is free.

Do you handle cases in other areas of law (e.g. personal injury and divorce)?

Our focus is on criminal cases, along with criminally-related work such as asset forfeiture, implied consent suits, and expungements.

We are happy to refer other legal cases as needed.

What should I do if I am arrested?

Invoke your right to remain silent and your right to a lawyer.

Say, “I wish to remain silent and to speak to my lawyer.” This is the general rule: anything you say to law enforcement that is good for you stays out of court. Anything you say to law enforcement that is bad for you goes into court.

What should I do if a family member or friend is arrested?

Gather as much information you can, then consult with a criminal defense attorney.

I'm charged with a crime and the evidence against me seems overwhelming. What can an attorney do?

Many cases are supported by strong evidence. You need a criminal defense attorney to determine whether the evidence really is overwhelmingly against you. Even if this is the case, you need an attorney to help you negotiate a resolution, or, if it’s the only option, to go to trial. More than 95 percent of cases are resolved before trial.